शनिवार, 25 दिसंबर 2010
Shri Vashishta Naadi Astrology Center
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शुक्रवार, 24 दिसंबर 2010
गुरुवार, 23 दिसंबर 2010
Angela Donovan has her Naadi reading in India
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सन 2015 महाराष्ट्र माझा मधील मराठी वार्तांकन
Published on 4 Feb 2015
About 2000 years ago, 18 rishis including the Saptarishis (the seven sages), had drafted future predictions of humans and composed them on palm leaves. The palm leaves contain recorded facts about an individual's entire life span i.e. the Past, Present and the Future. It covers family background, education & career, love & marriage, children & their future, business & financial status, foreign visits, health, property, litigations, secrets of success, etc. Besides, they also depict the planetary positions in the individual's horoscope.
Nadi Astrology Center Mumbai India
R.Murugeshan,Sri Vashista Naadi Astrology Centre,18/141 ,Anand nagar, Vakola, Santacruz East, Mumbai. 400055.Tele: 91 22 26681642, 2668 1023
Mobile No. 9821081022
Email: vashistanaadi@gmail.com
Nadi Astrology Center Mumbai India
R.Murugeshan,Sri Vashista Naadi Astrology Centre,18/141 ,Anand nagar, Vakola, Santacruz East, Mumbai. 400055.Tele: 91 22 26681642, 2668 1023
Mobile No. 9821081022
Email: vashistanaadi@gmail.com
सोमवार, 20 दिसंबर 2010
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